what evs (dot org) piping hot content for your sexy bod |
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saturday, june 29
Dear readers of what evs (dot org): i am the squirrel. i will occasionally post to this site when i see/hear/witness/taste anything worth your time. hell, i'm out here in LA just lookin' for a nut to move your butt. here's what i observed on thursday night at The Standard Lounge... Nothing too juicy this eve. So nothing great to report on dish but the kissing bandit did strike last with a young philly. I am thinking of becoming a producer full-time and not just at night. Silicon, low ride jeans, side bend situps, and the California Cold, welcome to Hollywood! Sorry there is not any more. More juice to follow for Grambo and the whatevs.org crowd. posted by The Squirrel @ 5:27 PMhot shit. check out photos from A Very Special Night With Immerse. Be warned, you may find yourself wanting to date a rockstar (or a website operator) by the time this page finishes loading. and it will take a minute or two to load, esp. on dial-ups. it is very graphic heavy. obvs. posted by uncle grambo @ 5:08 PMthursday, june 27 Looks like bad news for The Squirrel. E! Online's Ted Casablanca is reporting that Amanda Peet and Matthew Perry are apparently dating again. posted by uncle grambo @ 12:12 PMdrudge reveals! it looks like Eminem has got a good shot at next year's Best Actor Oscar for his role in 8 Mile. tigs. posted by uncle grambo @ 11:12 AMwednesday, june 26 posted by uncle grambo @ 5:02 PM you have got to be kidding me. it's only day 3 at wimbledon and pete sampras and andre agassi have already lost? worst evs. posted by uncle grambo @ 4:43 PMyou have got to be kidding me. the Pledge of Allegiance has been declared unconstitutional. worst evs. posted by uncle grambo @ 4:39 PM
in my neverending quest to keep satiating the seXXXy needs of Planet FOW ("Friends Of Whatevs", for the recent converts), i've added two new departments (look to your rizz) that i thought would be tigs. who agrees? email me. posted by uncle grambo @ 12:01 PMtuesday, june 25 kegler's got a great new site that he just launched called Glamorama. check it out, he focuses on topics as diverse as The Hilton Sisters and the new Donna Tartt novel. obvs tigs. plus he's promising a review of the new Oasis album before it hits the shelves...tats. posted by uncle grambo @ 6:03 PM
does it get any more obvs? only 35 more days! this next tidbit is from Billboard.com. thanks to the grizz for sending this along... NYC radio jumps the gun on Springsteen single By JONATHAN COHEN friday, june 21 A Special Evening With Immerse I don't know what you were doing last night, but I bet that it wasn't 1/2 as sexxxy as watching the raging musical prodigies known to their fans as Immerse perform live. Unless, of course, I saw you at the show. In what I believe was Immerse's fourth live performance, the band delighted their extensive fan base with a deft mix of originals and crowd-pleasing cover tunes. It is quite apparent that the Boys Of Immerse have been playing together frequently, as their sound is really starting to jell (despite the less-than-stellar Idiot sound system). After Mark Julien's opening set, Topeka's favorite sons hit the stage hard and fast with "A Leftist's Tragedy" (off their forthcoming "Portrait Of A Marathon" long player). The song has a nice build and works quite well as a set-opening track. One of the aforementioned crowd-pleasing cover songs came next (the rousing "Yellow"), followed by what this writer believes to be the strongest song in the Immerse catalog, "She Sells". It bears absolutely no resemblance to The Cult's seminal "She Sells Sanctuary", but could quite possibly be an equally tigs tune with some solid production work. Lead singer Matthew Peabody's vocals soar as the song develops into a perfectly balanced, virtual crescendo of sonic best evs. Easily the evening's highlight. The rest of the band's set was solid, even though this writer was slightly disappointed that the proposed "Fitter Krengels" track was scrapped. The crowd who stuck around past the set's "official" closing number, "Wonderwall", were privy to some especially delicous treats. Aaron Peabs momentarily ditched the smokin' hottie who accompanied him to jump on stage to co-sing lead on "7 Days", and everyone sang along to Ryan Adams' ode to Winona Rizz, "New York, New York". All in all it was a fun-filled evening of earthly delight. Obvs. Set-List: A Leftist's Tragedy / Yellow / She Sells / Smolder / Halfway / Last Night / Pilot / You Can't Always Get What You Want / Hold The Fort / Dirty Tigs. Look for photos from the evening's show on the site sometime early next week. PS - Props to Foster! When is our next B-Dubs trip? posted by uncle grambo @ 10:01 AMthursday, june 20 so you say you don't have anything to do tonight? well don't let your lack of companionship and/or chronic alcoholism get you down, for the boys of Immerse will gladly rock you to and fro. i got a sneak peak at the set-list and let me assure you that tonight's gig is gonna be a doozy! getting setlists in advance is just one of the many perks of having an internationally renowned website (others include free backrubs from complete strangers and a 33% discount at Belle Tire). be sure and get there early for mark julien's opening set of acoustic alchemy. tonight's gig begins around 10:30 (ish) at Grosse Pointe's Village Idiot Bar, conveniently located on Mack Ave. complete details can be found by clicking through. (editor's note: they're not this blurry in person...promise) posted by uncle grambo @ 5:32 PMfrom today's detroit news... Will World Cup wins ignite boom for U.S. soccer? Let me take a moment to ask the editors of the Detroit News why they needed two writers for this story. I could've saved them some serious cash and written the article for them. Will World Cup wins ignite boom for U.S. Soccer? Dave Poland stirs up some major buzz on Minority Report in today's Hot Button column. the column is long but worth reading because he reveals that Jessica Harper (!!!) appears in the movie. and for those not in the know, she starred in Dario Argento's triumphant tour-de-force of terror Suspiria. who knew that spielberg threw Anchor Bay props? buzz? posted by uncle grambo @ 12:31 PMGKV sent me this link as a semi-addendum to my cucumber/pickle dilemna from yesterday. it definitively answers the fact that a tomato is a vegetable and NOT a fruit. i always thought the tomato was a fruit. didn't George Constanza also wonder about this? i distinctly remember him saying "I wonder why the tomato never took off as a hand fruit." this got me thinking. and when i get to thinking i usually consult Google for obvs reasons. a quick search of george costanza + tomato revealed many sites with WAV files of george saying "the tomato never really took off as a hand fruit". (i would've posted the actual WAV but my firewall doesn't let me access Geocities sites. worst) methinks we have a controversy on our hands. tomato...fruit or vegetable? as with the number of licks that it takes to get to a center of a Tootsie Pop... good morning to one and all. i have a lot to say this morning, but when i checked my email this morning i discovered i had been trumped. Jason Nummer, aka The King of Plakas, has wonderously come across a new copy of The Flaming Lips' new album, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots. major EXCLUSIVEbuzz follows...props out to Nummer --- jason nummer June 15, 2002. Possibly the most important date of the summer so far. It was on none other than this fateful Saturday night that I was blessed with an advance copy of the new Flaming Lips album "Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots" (scheduled for a 7/16 release date). Just to recap, Summer 2002 has already given us so much: I'm writing to let you know the new Lips album is pushing it's way to the top of this list faster than the new USA series The Dead Zone is moving towards cancellation. Dig this man...the whole thing is pretty much a throwback to the old concept record idea. It basically tells the story of Yoshimi (played by real life Yoshimi Yokota from The Boredoms). Yoshimi is a black belt karate expert who works for the city. It seems that some evil robots, who have developed the power to think on their own, have devised a plan to overtake the world (represented by Wayne Coyne/Lips). Song intermissions include cheering from audiences watching the battle and at some points you can hear the robot master starting and stopping the robot testing exercises. Did I mention how best this is? I'd go so far as saying it's better than all of the as-of-now-unseen Royal Tenenbaums DVD extras. I'm Jason Nummer and I have an opinion (CON'T) The best tune is possibly 'Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 2'. This track is what is believed to be the actual battle itself. It has some Yoshimi screams that will make the lead singer of The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs forget she ever screamed on "Art Star". And the cymbals on this track will have the current incarnation of QOTSA shit p'zones. Bung! I was wondering how the Lips would follow up their absolutely 100% perfect 1999 outing "The Soft Bulletin". I'm glad to say it wasn't more of the same (easy way out style)! We get mother fuckin' Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots! Uhhh. AHHH. UHHH. RESPECT! What else should I have expected from the band that tops my Top 10 show and album list every year they're active? What I ask you? Oh yeah, the Flaming Lips will touch down here in Detroit (albeit a festival setting) on 8/20 at Phoenix Plaza. I'm sure we'll only get a 45 minute set at the most, but a proper Fall Tour is more likely than me playing Metroid by the end of the week. For those who haven't seen the Lips, you're missing out. I saw them for the first time in 1995 (St. Andrews style) and that show is still my #1 SHOW OF ALL TIME! I even did a speech on it in high school speech class weeks later. Flaming Lips speeches. Unheard of? Anyway, in the meantime, I suggest you head over to www.flaminglips.com and watch the video for the first single, "Do Ya Realize". It features really cute bikini girls that probably have Selma Blair blushing. I also suggest updating your desktops to the album's cover art (available above). That is all for now. But remember this. Lips are life. wednesday, june 19 apparently Billy Joel has checked into rehab. say goodbye to hollywood and say hello to Charlie Sheen. posted by uncle grambo @ 4:21 PMfrom the "you learn something new every day" files... so i'm out having drinks last night with my friend Chrissy. we get to chatting about my extremely embarrassing lack of knowledge about vegetables. specifically, the difference between cucumbers and zucchini. then, out of nowhere, she drops the bomb on me that PICKLES ARE NOTHING BUT MINI-CUCUMBERS! i was like "no way" and she was like "way" -- damn. then when i met up with chris and jill at dick o'dow's and busted this interesting tidbit of trivia on them, they looked at me like i was from Mars. they were like "DUH!" and i was like "duh?". apparently everyone in the world knew that PICKLES ARE NOTHING BUT MINI-CUCUMBERS (!!!) but it somehow eluded me. worst. ok, i'm off to an all-day meeting but i thought i would leave you kids with a pretty good piece from Salon.com called "The Strange Triumph Of Electronic Music." enjoy! tuesday, june 18 audiogalaxy is back! well, sort of and not really so much. seems as if they need to secure written permission from artists before posting their works. worst. hilary rosen can bite me. posted by uncle grambo @ 4:03 PMso did anyone go out and buy the new Paul Oakenfold cd today? i went to best buy at lunch (obvs!) with the intention of buying it, but i just couldn't bring myself to do it. when i looked at the back and saw names like Nelly Furtado, Shifty Shellshock and Ice Cube staring back at me, i dropped the cd and ran screaming in the other direction. i'm going to need some convincing that this CD is anything but straight-up Charles Nelson Reilly. oakzies. has the man lost it? i'm thinking the answer to that question is a resounding "yes". any disagreements? any record reviews? let me know. that being said, i can't walk out of Best Buy empty-handed so i picked up the new Imperial Teen. i only got four songs in, but i could immediately tell this is going to be one of the summer's most criminally underplayed albums. upon first listen, i could only think to describe it as a Sonic Absolut + Lemonade -- sweet like candy but with the power to MOVE YOU, tenacious D style. rock on Roddy Bottum. bring your tour to The Shelter, d-town loves great crunchy pop music! posted by uncle grambo @ 3:03 PMSet your VCRs/Tivos/et al!!! CBS is set to air the Night of 1,000 Thongs during November sweeps. I heart sweeps. posted by uncle grambo @ 2:40 PMas first reported on the Immerse forum, Audiogalaxy shut down their servers last night. the big record companies are taking Audiogalaxy on and want to Napster-ize them. it looks as if they have won already, at least Napster put up a fight and let people download songs for a few more months. where am i going to find the newest Untz to spread across southeastern MI? speaking of which, does anyone have any other recommendations about p2p sites where it is easy to find mp3s? i've heard a lot of good things about Morpheus, but i've never used it. please e-me if you have any insights. i'd be mucho appreciativo. i'm currently making my way through the complete second season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer on DVD, and let me tell you it is beyond tigs. if you allow yourself to get past the perceptions that you may have (or feel that others will have about you) about watching a show that is actually called "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", you will discover one of the best television series of all-time. i'm serious. do yourself a favor and go out and buy the complete first season on DVD and dig in. more on my Buffy obsession will follow in the next few weeks (as if you care)... other than that, it's a S L O W newsday. not much going on. i'm out for now. l8s. posted by uncle grambo @ 10:32 AMmonday, june 17 the leading nominees for gayest song of the summer have got to be "days gone by" by dirty vegas (aka "the song that the robot chick from the Mitsubishi commercial jives to") and that cheezed out trance remix of bryan adams' "heaven". ay cono. and about six lengths ahead of the field in the race for most overplayed song since "ghetto superstar" is that god damn P. Diddy song about J.Lo (aka "i need a girl"). who are the ad wizards who came up with this one? posted by uncle grambo @ 10:39 PMRevealed this morning on Davisdvd.com. Curley (aka Ryan Reynolds) will be proud! » BEST DVD MENUS... EVER not only is Nickelback the most amazing rock band since Mister Mister, but now they are tackling the challenge posed by Suzanne Vega's "Luka" head-on in their new video. this will easily be the most-important video since Corey Hart took on the disturbing topic of runaways in his video for "Never Surrender". so wickedly obvs it's sick. these five words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?" yeah yeah YEAH! posted by uncle grambo @ 12:41 PMHow long until this one hits the front of the Enquirer as the latest celeb divorce? my guess is in the 18 month ballpark. in reading this article, i learned that ABC cancelled Spin City...my question is did anyone even care? that show had less buzz than Minority Report. posted by uncle grambo @ 11:38 AMmonday, monday. it's relatively dreary and overcast in MI this morn, it was tough crawling out of bed. i'm working on my second cup of coffee, which is amazing because i rarely (if ever) indulge in the partaking of the coffee bean. what? some good stuff i came across this morning when i logged on before work... and because i always give credit where credit is due, props to kegler for hooking me up w/the Dunst homepage photo. friday, june 14 reading between the lines when johnny rez of the goo goo dolls sings "somehow here is gone", the "here" he references apparently equals a plate full of double cheeseburgers. c'mon J.Reznick, don't go all Rob Thomas on us! posted by uncle grambo @ 12:36 PMok, i'll admit it. i have let you all down. launched in January 2002 in a blaze of glory, what evs (dot org) was shaping up to be a revolutionary tour-de-force in the supercharged and competitive worlds of publishing, entertainment and online porn. hell, we all remember the time that The Squirrel broke the news that Miss Jackson (if you're nasty) and Mr. Naked Bongo Player were an item. we CERTAINLY remember the time that The Giors waxed poetic about his addiction to Chasey Lain and Kobe Tai flix. then came april 2, 2002. dizzy from the exhilaration of updating what evs (dot org) two times in one week, i became fat + overconfident. the result? as you all know, from that point the site went dark. i could go on and on with excuses about how i got really busy producing the new OnStar Magazine or how the Glinka wedding took up a lot of free time or how i've been umbilically attached to my PS2 lately, but that would not be a good use of our time here today. what is a good use of our collective time is the following announcement -- it is w/great pleasure and excitement that i relay to you, the loyal (if slightly dismayed) denizens of Planet FOW, that what evs (dot org) is back open for business. as you can plainly see, i have spent some time updating the code (and design) of the site. i am now able to update the site from any computer with internet access (!!!), without having to spend anywhere from four to six hours hand-coding HTML pages. this is tigs, for obvious reasons. no longer will the unbearably tedious exercise of coding stand in my way, now i'm free to bring you the latest and greatest at a moments notice. but i don't want to ramble on like Led Zep. i just want to thank you all (including you Netscape users who couldn't see the old version of the site) for your continued interest. i suggest surfing through a few times per week just to catch up, but as we go on i'm hoping you'll develop a crack-like addiction to my musings. the site's new catchphrase is "piping hot content for your sexy bod", and that's what i intend to provide. so keep your sexy bod clickin' on over to what evs (dot org), and i promise to be your Johnny Gill and rub your temporal lobes the right way. l8s posted by uncle grambo @ 11:14 AMthursday, june 13 more testing posted by uncle grambo @ 12:22 PMmore testing after hours and hours of coding last night...let's see if this works, yo posted by uncle grambo @ 10:52 AMfriday, june 7 tag team back again, checkin' the record and let it spin! fixed for now...more redesigns to follow this wknd. keep the new look on the hush hush QT. obvs. i'm not even close to being done with this mugglestein. posted by uncle grambo @ 2:07 PMnew post to test the linkage factorability problems i have been experiencing. QOTSA! posted by uncle grambo @ 2:03 PMman, gotta love those fookin wings. malt-best, drapes and my boy nicklas really came through in the clutch last night. so obvs. still testing, hence the lame post posted by uncle grambo @ 1:34 PMtesting testing 1 2 3 obvs |
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