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Friday, July 18, 2003
friday round-up
so maybe they're not "the second coming of For Squirrels" (as Damizz once noted), but Idlewild picks up some much deserved press in today's NYT. Roddy Womble has buzz, unfortch not as much as Roddy Bottum (of Imperial Teen and Faith No More fame).
"'Anatomy of a Scene' is rigorously high-minded. 'Project Greenlight' is deliciously less so. But both shows take viewers deep into the rarefied world of filmmaking. And that is a lot further than television usually goes." The NYT takes a look at both shows in today's edition.
you know, while Mandy Moore's upcoming covers album will likely be atrocious, your Uncle Grambo throws props out based on effort alone. when I think back to my teens, I know that my taste in music wasn't very well-refined. well that is unless you approach artists like Ralph Tresvant and Toad The Wet Sprocket as refined. anyway, Mandy herself writes some quick blurbs about why each song was chosen for her record and the inspirations behind it. i say buzz. (link via Stereogum)
best headline evs? Manila signs ceasefire with MILF! i wonder if it's Stifler's Mom??? (link via Kegzies)
so hott. The Detroit Pistons sign Rip Hamilton to a 7 year, $62MM deal. now if only they'd bring back T. Mills! Terry Mills ... he bombs SO MANY 3s! so fatt. so best!
i think that most would agree that "The Simpsons" didn't fare very well this season. if the truth is told, i can't really remember any memorable episodes, with the lone exception of when Homer went to Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp with the likes of Mick Jaggs and Elvis Costello. but next season's proposed "Incredible Homer" episode surely has must-see buzz. and btw, when is Season Three coming out on DVD?
no buzz. Ford to cut 2,000 white collar jobs by year-end. i wonder how much they spent on their 100th Anniversary Celebration? i bet you that Beyonce got at least $100K to fly in for her performance...
Liz Phair interviewed in Rolling Stone.
got this in an email from The Grizz with the subject line "further proof that las vegas strip clubs are the best places in the world to hang out": "Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose wandered into the Crazy Horse Too in Las Vegas Wednesday morning (July 16) and treated the nearly empty strip
club to a preview of tracks from his band's long-delayed Chinese Democracy album. In addition to blasting new cuts over the club's PA system, Rose also visited the VIP room, ordered champagne and signed autographs, according to an employee." Developing!
"They love ritual and feel comforted by it." the following quote appears in what article: and finally, in news that will likely send Solotarian Views into a Cosmopolitan-fueled spiral of depression, the real-life inspiration for "Sex And The City's" Mr. Big was fired from his job as Editor of GQ yesterday. will the show address this situation? will Carrie get her nails done on time? tune into Solotarian Views to find out! posted by uncle grambo |Blur vs. FoWhave i told you lately that I love you? mad props out to Greedo and Big Matt for sending through photos from recent Blur and FoW shows (respectively). click through on the sample photo below for a whole slew of other shots. buzz! yawn
Lollapalooza rolls into Detroit today ... who knew? more importantly, who cares?!?
Pink dyes her hair blue ... no matter what color she dyes her hair, she'll still be so uggs that she makes Vanessa C look like Baby Spizz!
Fatboy Slim to remix "Sympathy For The Devil" ... borrrrring! Fatboy ... no buzz since the `90s. yeah yeah yeah, "Weapon Of Choice" was one helluva tigs vidd, but that was all Jonze and Walken.
and the "American Idol" train rolls through town this weekend ... durst! does anyone really care why Clay is more popular than Ruuuuuuuuben? that topic is tired. and is the fact that J Records executives are already distancing themselves from Ruben's upcoming solo album surprising? not so much. posted by uncle grambo |Thursday, July 17, 2003 bill braskyi'm in meetings all day. i've already interviewed three peeps today for a new position. another update won't follow until this evening. until then, I leave you with Bill Brasky quotes (courtesy of Nummer):
btw, there's a "real" Bill Brasky. check out his Amazon Wishlist. buzz! posted by uncle grambo |Wednesday, July 16, 2003 good tidingspure hottness. buzz. off to see FoW. l8s! kill kill bill bill
David E. Kelley rails against reality television. note to David: you've got no right to complain. number one, you bang Michelle Pfieffer like every night. number two, you haven't written a good TV episode in years. "the practice" blows, eff "boston public", and I'm not gonna let you forget "Girl's Club" and "Snoops." number three, you're a total sellout! you blow out your entire cast yet decide to keep Steven Spielberg's step-daughter on the show? tell me you're not playing Hollywood games. sucka!
hipsters rescued PBR from the dead. will The Olive Garden be the establishment to be saved by the trucker hat cultured youth? The Gothamist seems to think so. i wouldn't mind a visit to the OG, as long as the meals were served with ample doses of irony. who's in?
enjoy the new pic of Vanessa Carlton ... by popular demand!
this is the advertising equivalent of Montana to Rice. Volkswagon and Apple enter into a marketing partnership. Buy a Bug, get an iPod. best! (link via ILB)
are you as much of a media geek as I am? probably not. but if you are, you'll enjoy these next two profiles. Mediabistro interviews Slate.com's Eric Umansky (writer of "Today's Papers") and Newsday profiles America's most successful magazine editor, Bonnie Fuller (formerly of US Weekly, now working with the American Media Corporation).
genius. can't believe I haven't thought of this before. props out to Matthew Tobey for fully detailing "Predator's" influence on contemporary politics. posted by uncle grambo |oh say can you see
on a related topic, caught a few interesting commercials on TV last night when I got home from the gym. have you seen the commercial for "Uptown Girls", starring Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning? first observation, when you see two pratfalls by the same person (both Brittany) during a :30, you know that the studio's marketing department is struggling with how to sell this movie. second observation, I'm fairly confident in reporting that Brittany Murphy hasn't ingested a single calorie since Kutcher dumped her a few months ago. it's really scary when the 25-year old Brittany weighs less than her 9-year old co-star. also caught a new spot for the Wanda Sykes show on FOX where she's Forrest Gump'd into a press conference with Bin Laden. now I may have the words wrong here, but she tries to give a bomb to Osama by saying "I got a falafel fo' yo' ass" ?!?! did anyone else see this spot? the quote may not be exact but the spirit is right on the money. i wonder if they'll be any backlash from the Arab American community. hey Wanda, falafels are tha shizz!
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 cuckoo for cocoa puffs(pic via Stereogum) posted by uncle grambo |bam!quick hits, it's been a busy morning...
we have a winnerafter this weekend's viewing of "Pirates Of The Carribean", Keira Knightley has officially replaced Bynes as the #1 Contender for Uncle Grambo's heart. so British ... so best. don't get me wrong, Bynes will always have a place in my heart and she's got ample opportunity to regain the top spot in the future, but the Aura Of Buzz that Miss Knightley is radiating is just plain imposs to ignore. whatever "it" is, Keira has got "it" in spades. Pure buzz and pure hottness. Monday, July 14, 2003 worst evs
Dearborn. If you bought The Freep today, you should pay another 50 cents to throw it back in the machine where it came from. To paraphrase Nirag Warikoo (the article's author), "So worst it's Durst." posted by uncle grambo |curtains upit sounds like a punchline but it's not. germans love whatevs.org. maybe not as much as David Hasselhoff, but i'm well on my way. i've made the blog list of Wasguckstdu, a site composed entirely in German. buzz cola! can anyone translizz what "Wasguckstdu" means?
on a completely unrelated note, i need to throw belated props to Coach Glinka / Jillycakes and The Gorilla / Mrs. Gorilla for throwing slick parties this weekend. Friday night's Luau @ the Glinka establishment was super hott and the combination of chocolate covered pretzels and oodles of Liz Phair-related conversation rocked Harper Woods on Saturday night. good times, good times.
on Friday I referenced the fact that Manohla Dargis (of the Los Angeles Times) is currently my fave film critic. another one of my favourite journalists also happens to be an LA Times staffer, Claudia Eller. her beat is to cover the business side of the movie industry, and today she looks at the "palpable shift" in Hollywood regarding the production of movie sequels. sequels have been getting bashed in the press, by the reviewers and at the box office all summer long and Eller talks to the head honchos of a few studios to get their take. good stuff.
by the way, does anyone else remember [Inside] magazine? it was a Brill publication that only existed for a few short months in the early `00s but had some of the best coverage of the media that I've ever read. it was where I first discovered Eller ... i miss [Inside], but obvs not nearly as much as I miss Might.
this may be stale news for those of you that keep up regularly with Gawker, but Jodi Kantor (the 28-year old editor of the Arts & Leisure section of The NYT) is under some mild fire for hiring freelance writers like Sarah Hepola. seems that some of the elder staffers at the NYT are pissed that Kantor has begun shaking things up at The Old Gray Lady by working with "online journalists" like Hepola (not to mention Emily Nussbaum and Liz Spiers) and have been leaking gossip about her to Page Six. meanwhile, over at The Black Table, a reporter takes a look at the battle lines that are being drawn between "traditional" (that is to say, print) journalists and the new guard of "online" writers. while the battle used to rage between print and TV, it looks like the ever-growing influence of the internet is causing traditional journalists to quake in their boots more than a little bit.
while APLarcadia and Kotoroboto might have mixed feelings about "A Confederacy Of Dunces" coming to a big screen near you, they should know that the project will be in good hands. it looks like David Gordon Green (of "George Washington" and "All The Real Girls" fame) has signed on to direct the film version of the cult classic novel.
Since when does Eminem have a song called "Curtains Up"? once again, the editor's over at The DetNews made a blunder when choosing the lead reporter for Saturday's Eminem show. luckily The Grizz cleans up the mess in today's paper with his all-encompassing look at this weekend's festivities and Sunday night's show. posted by uncle grambo |i'm gonna knock you out
ok, so did anyone else watch "Banzai" last night on Fox? it's the TV equivalent of "Wario Ware" which obvs is best. any show in which Lou Ferrigno battles a rabbi and a priest for possession of a baby's soul is a must-see in my book. AND they encourage betting on individual events ... who's in for a "Banzai" party next Sunday @ 8:30?
another day, another Brit Brit paparazzo shot. i think that she looks a lot better here than she does in the new issue of W. and while we're on the subject, a common complaint about Britney that I hear is that everyone thinks her legs are fat. i say not so much. personally, I think the muscle-y look suits her well, but apparently Ryan Adams doesn't agree. here's what he had to say re:Britney on a recent post on his website (sic, btw): "I met Britney Spears in a LA nightclub called BLUE. They have it acros the steet from Boardners on Cherokee/ next to LA Deuux. Anyway, what a fucking gross chunky cheerleader she was. She had stubby body builder legs and she just reaked. Fucking bad sunglasses in a bad LA party. In any event, whatever low cut show more skin thing she was trying to pull off on TV, all those times was pure distraction from her horrible Florida white trash body. Like Berolina, but actually that stupid and un attractive but just not being given the credit for it, Justin Timberlake must be a homely piece if he was feeding her the much. She looked like a germophobe." while Ryan Adams doesn't score any buzz for dissing B. Spears (like that hasn't been done before), he does earn points for inventing a new phrase, "feeding her the much" ...
i WON'T have what he's having. A man sliced off his willy, fried it and ate it after taking mind- bending drugs.
"My favorite party fantasy is to sit way up on my husband's lap and tell him I am not wearing a bra." Jessica Simpson on how she keeps things hott with her new hubby Nick LaWorst. buzz!
Courtney Hole is back and officially signed to Virgin. click through for a transcript of her new exclusive interview with Billboard. posted by uncle grambo | |
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