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Wednesday, November 26, 2003
diet tips for the holidays
somebody put out an APB for David and Tami from "RW:LA", i'm sure that they could lend some expert commentary to this buzz. San Diego Police are investigating a woman's allegations that she was raped in the oceanfront home where MTV is filming the latest season of its "Real World" reality program. according to all published reports, neither the accuser nor accusee (is that a word?) are cast or crew members of "RW." i wonder how MTV.com is going to cover this story?
call it a hunch. this collaboration is going to be a total abortion. Coldplay teams with The Streets to record a new song.
once you get outside of what I consider to be Detroit (GP to the east, Ann Arbor to the west, Rochester to the north and the Detroit River to the south), the simple fact of the matter is that we've got a helluva lot of hayseeds living in Michigan. case in point, residents of Brighton are failing to grasp the concept of "yielding" in the city's new traffic circle. a la Clark Griswold in "European Vacation", some local hicks have been seen driving around the circle upwards of eight times without exiting. "gawrsh ma, look at them there roundabout! let's drive around in circles `til we get dizzy!" no buzz.
college basketball is back, baby! it was so nice to hear Dick Vitale's voice booming on ESPN last night as he covered the MSU / Kansas game. even though the Spartys ended up getting Punk'd by the Jayhawks, it's always good to hear "AWESOME, BABY!" reverberating around your house. just another signal (along with the alarming chill in the air) that winter is right around the corner.
get me a ticket on an aeroplane, don't got time to take a fast train! Dido just dumped her DB boyfriend, some record exec named Ferdie Unger-Hamilton. i got dibs!
finally, I had the pleasure of meeting Foxy Jess (the famed editrix behind the wildly successful, Los Angeles based blog known as The Blueprint) for the first time last night. adult bevvies were consumed, gossip was bandied about, and bloggers were discussed at length. and because I KNOW that you were wondering, your Uncle Grambo is here to ensure you that her nickname is not only well-deserved but wildly appropriate. hell, if you're lucky you might just get a chance to meet Foxy Jess as dozens of FOWs will be congregating at Centre Street tonight for The Biggest Bar Night Of The Year. come on out and witness the glory of Peabs, Damore, JP McKrengels, E-Dubz, The Gorilla, Mrs. Gorilla, Seantizz, Jen-Bo, GKVibe, Dr Em Medicine Woman, Zachamundo, Friggs, Les/Cal and many other FOWs, all guaranteed to be nattily dressed and ready for action. as for weekend posts, don't hold your brizz. natch. if inspiration strikes, blah blah blah. have a wonderful thanksgiving and keep it reals, yo. i leave you with another lovely pic of my girl Stiles, just to throw it in the face of those dousing backblog haterade. step off, it's a sucka-free holiday! good tidings to you and yours. obvs. Tuesday, November 25, 2003 killing timeit seems like the entire world is moving in slow motion this week. it seems that everyone has already mentally checked out for the week, both at work and in the blogosphere. howevs, i will fulfill the pledge i have made to you and deliver you some more last-minute PHC.
props out to the 1115.org clan for keeping it rizz during this time of little buzz. it's a pleasure to see that someone else out there besides your Uncle Grambo is excited for the new Jessica Alba jawn. out on the Left Coast, Cashilini begins the countdown to the December 5th release date of "Honey" ... meanwhile, out on the East Coast, Namedropper sent through this exclusive gossip from the "In America" premiere in NYC a few nights ago.
how effed must one be in order to be arrested for "extreme drunk driving"? answer: TOTALLY effed! Glen Campbell should just be happy they don't have a law against being an angry drunk ... that's one surly mofo! for a short time this summer, there was talk that The Pistons would pick up Alonzo Mourning. SO glad that didn't happen. Alonzo Mourning has retired due to a relapse of the kidney ailment that has cost him the greater part of the last three seasons. the medical staff of the New Jersey Nets cleared Mourning to play back in July; he consequently signed a 4-year, $22 million contract with the team. nice medical staff, yo. they should have their wages garnished for the amount of money they cost that franchise. all in all, I wish `Zo well, for he was a true warrior on and off the court. howevs, being saddled with an unused $5.5 million against the salary cap for the next few years is the kind of boneheaded front office move that can hamstring an entire franchise for years on end. no buzz. Slate's Seth Stevenson inexplicably writes a column bashing Hummer's "Happy Jack" commercials. dude, if you want to be a player in the ad game, you gotsta get with the times, yo! that topic is SO July 25th!!! all your arguments were already made, backBlog stizz, by The Gorilla! a major debt of gratitude is owed to T-Rob. merci beaucoup, holmes. btw, my Julia Stiles crush is back in full effect. can't wait for "Mona Lisa Smizz" ... robvs. this pic from a recent issue of EW has me totally bewitched, bothered and bewildered. untz. ![]() trachtenBEST!hott pics from the set of "Euro Trip", starring Michelle Trachtenberg. the film is currently in production and doesn't yet have a release date, but your Uncle Grambo has already pre-ordered the 9-disc special edition DVD. the plot is described as follows: "When Scotty's German online pen pal suggests they meet, he initially freaks out. But then he discovers that she's gorgeous, and heads out with three friends after graduation to meet her. As they travel across Europe, the four friends have comical misadventures" ... sounds best! thanks to Aural Fixations for sending these snaps along! durst gets punk'dduring a concert at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom on Friday night, Fred Durst began "bleeding profusely" after some numbnuts in the crowd pelted him with an unidentified object. it was reported that he needed seven stiches to close the gash on his face. while your Uncle Grambo is on the record as a long standing hater of Durst and everything that he stands for, this time the haterade has gone too far. it's one thing to throw grass or clumps of mud at the guy, but actual violence with actual consequences (like stitches) is where I draw the line. c'mon New York, you can do better than that, can't you? you can bury the guy without burying the guy. for reals.
in the biggest event this side of the series finale of "M*A*S*H", David picked Linda over Cat in the exciting conclusion of "Joe Millionaire 2"!!! never in my life have I experienced two hours that were frought with such tension and moments of dramatic intensity. I think I speak for a nation when I say "Thank You" to FOX and its band of revolutionarily creative executives ... it is your hard work and dedication that make me proud to be an American. thank you Sandy Grushow, your courage to forego profits in pursuit of bringing the American public such high quality programming has earned you a place alongside Walter Cronkite and Roone Arledge as true pioneers of the medium. god bless you and your unborn great grandchildren. mazel tizz!
case closed. the death of long-forgotten z-list actor Jonathan Brandis was ruled a suicide. no word on whether it was caused by the songs of Ozzy Osbourne or Judas Priest. and to continue on the Death Buzz parade, some British wanker recently died in a "Jackass" related copycat stunt. dude, I hope you rest in peace and all that shazz, but where were you like three years ago when that show was actually popular? what a douchebag! i mean, it was totally cool to die with some Johnny Knoxville buzz back in 2000, but here in 2003, it's just plain durst. couldn't your obit at least have blamed it on "Wildboyz" or "Viva la Bam" or something a little more in with the times? no buzz.
poor Mateen Cleaves. fresh from winning an NCAA championship at Michigan State, the Detroit Pistons selected him in the first round of the 2000 NBA draft (one of Joe Dumars' MAJOR missteps as GM). Mateen came into camp fat and out of shape and never really found a place in the rotation and was traded to Sacramento. because he never got around to developing a jumper, he was quietly released at the end of last season. now the former All-American and state hero finds himself as a sixth round draft pick of the Huntsville Flight in the National Basketball Developmental League, a draft in which Michigan's Josh Asselin was the fourth overall pick. Mateen ... no buzz, especially considering his degree comes from such a lowly university. obvs.
london's Observer goes backstage with The Strokes.
finally, Britney pervs everywhere may or may not enjoy this extreme close-up of Britney's feet and unshaven legs from her recent "Tonight Show" appearance. gross buzz. courtesy of The Velvet Ropers. posted by uncle grambo |Monday, November 24, 2003 neither rhyme nor reasonfor all of you dinosaurs out there still listening to "rock" radio, you know that the Foo Fighters' cover of "Darling Nikki" is currently garnering a lot of spins on the FM dial. could "Darling Nikki" become another "Yellow Ledbetter" or "Pink Cadillac"? wait and see, yo.
when your site gets linked to by GoBritney.com, you know you've hit the big time.
if you thought that Heidi Klum was looking a little round-ish at the Victoria's Secret fashion show, just wait until this spring's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. rumour has it that Cheryl Tiegs, Christie Brinkley, Paulina Porizkova, Elle MacPherson, and Rachel Hunter will be donning their bikinis once again for this 40th Anniversary tissue. oops, did I just say "tissue"? cuz I really meant "issue", but you can probably understand the confusion. i wonder if this annual paean to the carnal pleasures of the flesh holds as much meaning to today's youth as it did to my generation?
i haven't found any legitimate news sources to confirm this buzz, but word on the street is that Elizabeth Filarski-Hasseldurst will be the new host of "The View"! good luck, hot stuff. here's hoping that you're the next Katie Couric, not that skankily plain Campbell Brown. blech!
yawn. something about Sasha inking a deal for more ... yawn ... Global Underground CDs ... must get back to sleep. this article from Billboard is only worth reading b/c he mentions the potential of a Delta Heavy 2004 tour. i don't feel like I'm speaking out of school by telling you that Peabs and your Uncle Grambo got all effed and had a helluva evening the last time that Sasha and Digweed rolled through The D. developing...
if there's anyone that's on the bleeding edge of the UK Indie music scene, it's Kegzies. over on Glamorama today, he proclaims that a band called The Delays have the potential to be the next Oasis. sounds buzzworthy to me!
my new obsession? Channel 7 weekend weather girl Shay Ryan. unfortch I can't find any pics of her online. you'll just have to tune in for the hottness. posted by uncle grambo |do not go gentle into that good nightposted by uncle grambo | the casting couchhallelujah! Ashton Kutcher has dropped out of Cameron Crowe's upcoming "Elizabethtown" because of an alleged "scheduling conflict"! hellzyes! but wait, there's more! Page Six is reporting that Kutcher was actually booted from the project by Crowe because he can't act! apparently the recent read-throughs hadn't been going so well and Crowe suggested to Kutcher that he get acting lessons! yes indeed, it looks like yet another chink in the armor of last summer's buzz boy du jour. this news has resulted in your Uncle Grambo jumping for joy, as I spent a paragraph railing against Cameron Crowe's decision way back in July. there's hope for Crowe yet.
there's great casting and then there's GREAT casting. Jeremy Davies as Charles Manson? that's GREAT casting. i predict a Manson impersonation second only to Bob Oedenkirk's on "The Ben Stiller Show."
dearest Google searcher who discovered whatevs.org via a search for "kate moss and how she stays so slim": true beauty is within, my dear. learn this one simple fact and your life will improve immensely. as long as you're not ugly, that is. as long as you're cute, most dudes will put up with a few extra pounds. hell, look at Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon in "Love, Actually"! wait a second, she wasn't hefty in the slightest! how DARE those filmmakers try to pull the wool over our eyes on that one? she was s'posed to be "tubby"? er, not so much. THIS is chubby! but i digress ... what was the question again? oh yeah, "how does Kate Moss stay so skinny?" i think it's the drugs. obvs.
Bachelor Bob was in town this weekend, riding high from the highly rated "Bachelor" finale. he appeared at a few local bookstores to promote his new book and The Grizz was there to cover it ... Pants* even got a kiss from Mr. Guiney! unfortch, I was not in paparazzi mode so I don't have any snaps. unfortch, I was stuck in the theatre watching the (mostly) dreadful adaptation of "The Singing Detective." no buzz, except that you DO get to see Robin Wright-Penn in her skivvies. nice.
is the world really ready for a fling between Angelina Jolie and Colin Farrell? haven't we had enough turmoil and grief the last few years? hopefully the buzz that Wong Kar-Wai's highly anticipated sci-fi epic "2046" will be hitting screens early next year (possibly even at Cannes!) will return the universe back to its rightfully balanced position. over the course of the last two or three months, I've been immersing myself in the Kar-Wai ouevre, starting with "Chungking Express" and moving into "Happy Together" and "In The Mood For Love." pound for pound, he's easily among the world's Top 10 directors. and "2046" reunites him with Faye Wang ("Chungking Express"), Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung (both from "ITMFL"). also starring will be everyone's favourite Asian diva, Miss Zhang Ziyi ("Crouching Tiggs", "Rush Hour 2"). there's all kindsa hot buzz on this one. posted by uncle grambo |first things firstwith the work week shortened due to the impending TurkeyGiving festivities, i thought it was important to start this Monday morning off on the right note. with that in mind, here are the OFFICIAL PARTY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR TURKEYGIVING 2K3! Wednesday, November 26th Biggest Bar Night of the Year
Saturday, November 29th Saturday Night's Alright (For Gettin' Effed) and with that, the PHC shall commence after my 10:30 meeting ... happy holidays, y'all. ![]() Sunday, November 23, 2003 pasadena or bustwe've been on the run / driving in the sun / looking out for number one / California here we come / right back where we started from hustlers grab your guns / your shadow weighs a ton / driving down the 101 / California here we come / right back where started from CALIFORNIA, HERE WE COME! ![]() |
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