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Friday, January 30, 2004
obvs in `04miracles CAN happen! after a slow start in Iowa and New Hampshire, the Peabs campaign picked up an unbelievable amount of steam today. until now, his cracked-out PR staff had only been able to score campaign coverage in a blog here and a blog there. but as anyone who knows him personally will attest, Peabs is blessed with not only a ginormous D but also an undeniable charismatic streak. both surely played a part in his landing this exclusive interview with CNN's Lou Dobbs ... watch yo' back, Kerry! you just dropped the soap in the shower, boss, and Peabs is gonna jazz all over yo' mizz! OBVS IN `04!!! ![]() you're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration
if you didn't read the transcript of the now infamous Bill O'Reilly interview with Peabs, I suggest you take 17 aspirin and get to readin'. classic Peabs.
and as much as I love Peabs and Rob and Laura Coaxme and Motorcityrocks.com and all of the other Detroit based bloggers (including myself), all of our blogs blow when compared to Detroitblog. imagine The Fabulous Ruins Of Detroit, only better. the site's description pretty much relays how best not only the site is, but how best Detroit is:
new Badly Drizz in April. shmears. [via The Blueprint]
buzz. Air. 4/18/04. Clutch Cargo's. but they're gonna be on the Coachella bill, right? c'mon, they just GOTTA be. speaking of which, Damore and I are going to be booking our trip this weekend. if you're interested in going, you know how to get in touch with us. it's gonna be a weekend filled with hott bands, hott weather, hott drugs and (most importantly) hott girls. so best. obvs.
everyone pour some of their 40s out this weekend for this dude. mad respect to the IBM programmer who invented "Control + Alt + Delete", who's retiring after 28 years on the job. FORTRAN revealed. buzz.
because I've got an ego only rivaled by the likes of Peabs, Low Culture's very excellent fan letter to Owen Wilson very much reminded me of my tribute to Eli Cash, written for the F.A.T. called "Out Of The Shadows." lotta hott contributions to that list, buzz.
Luke Wilson to star in "3001", the first directorial effort since "Office Space" for Mike Judge. not sure if this casting has buzz, Luke isn't really leading actor material in my eyes; howevs, your Uncle Grambo does find him Best in small doses. and while we're on the casting circuit, props out to Scott Writes for forwarding along the news that Scarlett Johansson has been cast in "The Black Dahlia", an adaptation of the famed Devil Dog Ellroy novel from director Brian DePalma. the flick is also set to star Josh "Kutcher Usurped All My Buzz" Hartnett and Marky Mark Wahlberg. schmobvs.
film geeks rejoice. Jeffrey Wells lines up 60 or so titles to look forward to during the first eight months of 2004.
"Monkeys, Monkeys, Ted and Alice" ... "carnal monkeys"
last but not least, Rochester's famed East Alley Records is closing in February. for fans of scoring Britpop albums on import without having to rely on Amazon.co.uk buzz, this is truly a sad day indeed. and who could ever forget that Bill organized Rochester's very own Flash Mob last summer? i don't know about you, but I'm heading in there this weekend to pay my respects. obvs. posted by uncle grambo |Thursday, January 29, 2004 it's gone too far
Emma Bunton has held the position as your Uncle Grambo's fave Spice Girl for quite a number of years. here's another reason she won't be losing that crown anytime soon! [via 3-Minute Rule]
oh Janelle, you speak the truth, girl. when it comes to foxy ladies on my television screen at 9pm on Wednesdays, I choose Meredith over Mischa, despite the outrageous proportions of her melon.
my assertions as to the buzzworthiness of "RW:SD" seem to be in line with the zeitgeist. drudge just revealed the following:
why am I not surprised that Detroit ain't gonna be ready for Super Bowl XL in 2006?
let's just hope this isn't the second coming of Juan Gonzalez.
LA Weekly's Nikki Finke unleashes the snark on this year's Academy Award nominees. according to the acerbic author, this year's Oscars "...will be a crushing bore. No suspense. No surprises. No Michael Moore. And with Joe Roth producing, expect lots of “Young Hollywood” stuff, which translates into crotch shots of Ashton Kutcher and acne close-ups of Hilary Duff." [via Movie City News]
RIP WOXY. The future of rock and roll will soon to be no more. fly the flags at half mast, yo. no buzz. posted by uncle grambo |HOLY FUCKING BREAKING BUZZ!!!you first met the fresh-faced FOW known as Foxy Jess right here on the backblogs of whatevs.org. now, you know and love her for her continued excellence as the Editor of the marvelous Left Coast blog, The Blueprint. the name of this game is "catch a rising star", folks, as it appears that FJ is well on her way to becoming the next MATT DRUDGE!!! with just a smidgen of help from some Choire Gawker press, Miss Blueprint's big revelation that Bill Murray's Golden Globe acceptance speech WASN'T really a joke after all just got PICKED UP AS A LEAD STORY BY THE E! NEWS NETWORK!!!!
are you effing kidding me? just sit back for a moment and comprehend the hottness ... the "legitimate" press (it's only E!, after all) is now getting scoop from bloggers! i haven't heard or seen anything hotter since your Uncle Grambo's encounter with Lizzie Spiers in NYC a few weeks back! but for REALS, this is a major effing development and one helluva large feather to have in your cap!
major, MAJOR props go out this morning to Foxy Jess, who's probably still drifting off in Dreamland, PST stizz. set your phone to vibrate, darling, because the big time will be calling any moment. congratulations! posted by uncle grambo |broken recordtoday's going to be busy. not much time this AM to post. bullet stizz. obvs.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004 i feel good!er, uh, to be perfectly honest, I'm lying to you. quite boldly, in fact, and directly to your face. i don't feel good in the slightest. quite the opposite, yo. how would you feel if you got tossed in the pokey on domestic violence charges? look at me, i'm wearing a damn towel around my shoulders, how GOOD can i POSSIBLY be expected to feel? shiiiiit. for REAL, George Clinton looks like muthafukkin' Denzel Washington compared to me! YOW!
![]() thanks to Karatechimp for hooking me up with the buzz. btw, I ganked that photo from The Smoking Gun ... obvs. posted by uncle grambo |the 10 spot saved my lifeafter the abomination that was "Real World: Paris", I was thisclose to writing an impassioned letter to Bunim and Murray begging for the sweet, sweet release that would come with the euthanization of the entire "RW" series. thankfully I was lazy and never got around to sending that letter (let alone WRITING it!) because "Real World: San Diego" is quite possibly the best installment of the series since "RW: SF" ... and we're only like five episodes in!
this year's cast immediately trumps the milquetoast crew who inhabited last season's Parisian villa on cultural diversity alone. while you'll instantly recognize some of the Real World's "gotta have" stereotypes ("the frat guy", "the small town girl", "the black guy"), you quickly come to the realization that these peeps are considerably more complex than their "role" would suggest. in fact, this cast is a complete flip of last season's; while the only personality that stood out in Paris was CT, there is only one person on the San Diego cast that HASN'T stood out so far (Jamie, "the Asian chick"). this is a cast that seems to bred perfectly for hook-ups, drunken debauchery and conflict.
take, for instance, the events that occured last night ... the "Ally-Sheedy-Breakfast-Club type freaky girl" girl unsuccessfully tried to drunkenly hook with the "easygoing creative dreamer type" and not one but TWO of the cast members got arrested! in completely separate incidents, no less! and who could ever forget the hilarious and completely legitmate discussion around whether or not Frankie was ever raped by a boat! if you're doing something else with your time at 10pm on Tuesday nights, you're a damn fool. "RW:SD" ... SO BEST!
actually overheard at Best Buy last night: "Man, I cannot WAIT they've got 'The Dukes Of Hazzard' [out on DVD]!"
the numbers don't lie. future American Idols are more popular than Hollywood's most famous movie stars. doesn't bode well for this year's Academy Award ratings...
one of your Uncle Grambo's favourite new blogs, Slice, reveals that this Sunday's Super Bowl will mark the debut of a new Pizza Hut commercial starring Jessica Simpson and Miss Piggy. sounds like a perfect time to launch their new 4forALL 'za because, as Adam Slice wisely points out, "the Super Bowl is the pizza industry's Christmas." [via The Real Janelle, another one of my new fave blogs]
yawn. OutKast STILL at #1 on the Billboard album charts.
today's one helluva hott day for the lovely Claire Zulkey. not only is her daily post hee-haw-larious (Rank: The Democratic Party Presidential Candidates ... By Looks), but she also manages to score an entry on this week's Black List. howevs, the lovely Zulkey DOES get points subtracted for not including Peabs on her list of Hott Presidential Candidates. Obvs in `04!
finally, Kegzies turns in what amounts to be nothing less than a bravura review of The Rolling Stones infamous concert film "Gimme Shelter." but, in his typically insightful style, he strays from the typical format of a "review" and daringly ventures into probing the origins of rock (or is it pop?) music and its inherent relationship to capitalism (or is it facism?). while your Uncle Grambo is a man of simple tastes (Brit Brit is more hott than nott), I'm quite comfortable saying that none other than Bob Christgau himself would be impressed with Kegzies' mini-dissertation. some say essential. posted by uncle grambo |time is on my sideer, not so much. today is shaping up to be heckaslammin', yo. hence, bullet buzz.
![]() Tuesday, January 27, 2004 the mirror has two chinssome say worse than the Bennifer breakup! Barbra Streisand is currently "reading" the script for "Meet The Fockers" ... her manservant, James Brolin, revealed Yentl's interest in the project during a recent interview with "Access Hollywood." NEGATIVE BUZZ!
in yet another installment of "Didn't I Already Read That On Whatevs?", MTV finally gets around to discussing DJ Danger Mouse's highly anticipated "Grey Album" project, a fusion of "The Black Album" by Jay-Z and "The White Album" by The Beatles.
once again proving my hypothesis that Big Rack Babes Almost Always Make Fun Of Women With Smaller Breasts, Jen Chung calls out Claire Danes for being flat-chested! BOOYA!
hott ad agency du jour Crispin Porter & Bogusky has stolen the Burger King account right out from under the noses of Y&R. if there's a hotter ad agency going these days (Mini Cooper, IKEA, Borders, Virgin Airlines), i've yet to see it.
stop me, oh ho ho stop me. stop me if you think you've heard this one before. Weiland in rehab ... AGAIN!
there are good ideas and then there are GREAT ideas. this is the latter. Umbrella vending machines ... brilliant!
"LA told me, you'll be a popstar, all you have to change is everything you are" Pink Ad Age examines The Mainstreaming Of Porn. [via Gawker]
speaking of Gawker, all kindsa Midwestern buzz is fueling the site today. for the second time in two weeks, the one and only Foxy Jess has been Gawker'd, this time for her in-depth and scandalous report on Bill Murray's Golden Globe acceptance speech. another notable luminary who is proud to be receiving Choire props is none other than your own Uncle Grambo, recognized for my Harvey Weinstein crackback earlier this morn. hott buzz.
finally, many apologies for the server issues earlier this afternoon. i stone cold busted my server limit for the second month in a row ... it took me a little while to upgrade, but I think I learned my lesson about putting so many big graphics here on the homepage. lesson learned, yo. sorry for the Blackout Of Buzz that occured from roughly 2:30pm until 5pm. shmears all ovah your mears, obvs. posted by uncle grambo |The Grahammy Awards - Film 2K4To the esteemed members of the FOW Nation, Re-issue, re-package, re-package! Re-evaluate your thoughts! December is a loathsome month, a month in which every dimwit with access to a keyboard publishes their Top Ten Lists. That is, if you're lucky; many end up with Top Twelve or Top Eighteen in an attempt to differentiate themselves from other list makers. Phooey, I say! If you're gonna make a list, you gotta stick with ten. Ten fingers, ten toes, ten commandments, ten junior bacon cheeseburgers ... anything worth doing is worth doing in increments of ten! And if January 27th is a good enough day for The Academy to announce their nominees for the best of 2003, it's also good enough for your Uncle Grambo! So, without further ado, I present you with Part One (yes, there will be more!) of this year's Grahammy Awards For Film! Obvs all over your tees. THE BEST FILMS OF 2K3
Close But No Cigar
COMING TOMORROW: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and Other Awards Handed Out in Previous Ceremonies. Obvs. posted by uncle grambo |don't answer your phone!
while "LOTR:ROTK" and "Master And Commander" are the front-runners for this year's Academy Awards, picking up 11 and 10 nominations respectively, the real story this morning is just how truly crazed this year's Oscars are gonna be ... i mean, come ON! Johnny Depp, Sean Penn and Bill Murray as the favorites for Best Actor? you can't go wrong with any of the three! and if you were looking for surprises this morning, look no further than the Whale Rider herself, Keisha Castle-Hughes¹, who scored a Best Actress nod!!! or how about my boy Fernando Meirelles reeling in a Best Director nomination for "City Of God" (at least SOME people in the Miramax marketing department will escape this rueful morning with their lives). and while it's a big shocker and disappointment that Scarlett Rackhansson got shut out, you gotta love that "Lost In Translation" landed some Best Picture and Best Director props.
stay tuned, The Grahammys will be revealed later this AM. obvs. ¹ Not to be confused with Keisha Knight-Pulliam. no Cosby Kid has had buzz since Lisa Bonet's cameo in "High Fidelity" ... shmears! posted by uncle grambo |Monday, January 26, 2004 glaaaadiator!
![]() ![]() the nervemost FOWs will undoubtedly be upset to learn that i don't have a full recap of last night's Golden Globe Awards ready to feast upon. while i was scribbling notes furiously during last night's ceremony, sooner or later all of those glasses of Maker's are going to catch up with you and render your penmanship illegible. adding insult to injury (and by "injury", I really mean "massive hangover"), my employers had the uncommon NERVE to actually request that i fufill my obligations and actually ACCOMPLISH something today. why, i never!
let me assure you that while your Uncle Grambo's Sunday was indeed spent in full-on recovery mode from a debaucherous Saturday at O'Toole's, there was (quite remarkably) much work accomplished on The 2004 Grahammy Awards For Film. the results of the famed competition will be announced tomorrow morning, alongside nominations from some other group of bozos. but any buzz that those sad old bastards may have had will be usurped by The Grahammys, which were not even held in 2003 due to an overall lack of buzz ("Igby Goes Down" and "About A Boy" notwithstanding). depending on how the rest of the day goes, I may even get around to some Golden Globe hottness. unfortch, dear readers, the chances of this happening do not look promising.
howevs, i won't leave you hanging. while the rest of the world is blogging about the globes, I've got some new sex tape hottness to reveal! and while most of the Western world was hoping the latest home video scandal would involve some saucy starlet, instead we're gonna have to deal with Dr. Julius Erving's erectly tenacious D ... no buzz. i mean, it'd be one thing if the video was taken in Dr. J's heyday, back when he rocked the Fletch-like Fro and got down with some hott `70s poon. but NO, we have to deal with The Doctor wearing metal-framed glasses, sipping white wine and listening to Bob Plant and The Honeydrippers gawd-awful cover of "Sea Of Love." he shoots, he scores, you'll throw up.
Whatevs Watcher revealed! Detroit Pistons Chauncey Billups, Tayshaun Prince and Chucky Atkins at the Oakland University Golden Grizzlies basketball game on Saturday night.
as a Presidential candidate, part of the pre-req is that you're hip to the world's current events. with that in mind, the final nail in the coffin of the Joe Lieberman campaign has GOT to be his recent denouncing of "Grand Theft Auto" ... i mean, are you for reals? why don't you just rally against the crude and lascivious behaviour that the cast of "Married With Children" exhibits? that's a topic that's just as timely! bring Terry Rakolta onto your crack team of campaign staffers and ride the cresting buzz all the way to Washington! tally HO!
in today's edition of "Didn't See THIS One Coming", I submit the following anti-buzz for your consideration. Kobe Bryant's legal team plays The Race Card.
it's about god damn time! The New York Times finally reveals the face of new Paris Review editor Brigid Hughes. the verdict? marginal hottness (at best, yo). from the looks of the photo, i'm betting she's got a huskily athletic voice, kinda WNBA stizz. posted by uncle grambo | |
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