Friday, July 01, 2005

Miss me?
Don't get your hopes up too much. Yes, I made it through the single most hellaciously bizz work week I've ever had ... thank you for your patience and your kind emails (well, at least MOST of them were kind). But regular posting probably won't occur here until July 12th or so. Your Uncle Grambo is going on vacation and won't be back until the MLB All-Star Game rolls through The D™ on July 12.
Posting is likely to be light over the next 10 days or thereabouts. That said, if the t-storms predicted for the area stick, we all might be benefitting from more regularly scheduled doses of PHC. Stay bovs, mofos ... I love you all. But not as much as I love Angela Trimbur (aka Angela Road Rules). Natch.
posted by Uncle Grambo |