Thursday, April 20, 2006
 [pic via Egotastic]
Courtesy of the trusty duo of Nummer and H-Bomb, please enjoy reviews of the two most recent episodes of SNL. And while you're at it, be sure to get your DVRs ready for the Tom Hanks / Red Hot Chili Peppers episode airing on May 6th. According to Nummer, Hanks hasn't hosted an episode since 1996! Keep your fingers crossed for some potential Sabra Shopping Network love ("Sony guts!") or, better yet, a Lovitz cameo for Girl Watchers ("Well hello....and goodbye").
 Episode 15: Antonio Banderas / Mary J. Blige (4/8/06)
 Episode 16: Lindsay Lohan / Pearl Jam (4/15/06)
posted by Uncle Grambo |