Wednesday, November 05, 2008
If you're swinging by to check the haps on a blog that hasn't been regularly updated in, well, two plus years, your Uncle Grambo has got some good news for you. I've been setting up shop over at for the past month and some change. I migrated all of the 2006-2007 WordPress content that got hacked by the commie Russian Turkish pinko bastages, and also brought some of my Defamer highlights over as well. I'm working on getting a redirect in place so you don't have to change your (old as hell) bookmarks, but for now, you can check the haps simply by clicking below:
whatevs (dot org)
Alrighty then!
posted by Uncle Grambo |
quote-a-matic |
"Jack Welch has such unparalleled management skills they named Welch's Grape Juice after him because he squeezes the sweetest juice out of his workers' mindgrapes."
Jack Donaghy on last week's
"30 Rock"
be like mark

light em up - the fags

cold feet - the complete first series

what is the what - dave eggers
adventures w/disposable income |
date: 12.9.06
source: Best Buy
amount: $50.42
(1) "miami vice: unrated director's cut" dvd
(1) "clubhouse games" for nintendo ds
| |